Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Live update on service issues and scheduled maintenances at ZNetLive
Resolved Issues
Sep 4 2021

Hardware and IP activity for Web-18

This is to inform you that we is doing some Hardware up-gradation for our Web-18 server to provide you better performance  & more stable network.

Up-gradation Description: During  this, we will be changing Server hardware as well as IP pool.

Up-gradation Date: September 4th, 2021.

Activity Time: The changes will start on Saturday, September 4th, 2021, 08:00 PM, IST and will be completed by Saturday, September 4th, 2021, 09:00 PM, IST.

Expectations from you:  If you are using our hosting name servers then you should not make any changes from your side.

Note : Clients who are using their own name servers (custom name servers) or pointed their websites via A-records then you have to updated A-record of your website :

Old website IP   :-

New website IP :-

Note :-  MSSQL database connection string and Name server will be same as old.  But if you are using old IP’s for connecting to mysql database then use below hostname in your code so you will not face any downtime in migration.

MYSQL hostname :-

Downtime :-  1 hour or less.