Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Live update on service issues and scheduled maintenances at ZNetLive
Resolved Issues
Apr 20 2015

Windows update on IndianHyperV-07 server scheduled on April 24th, 2015.

This is to inform you that we are getting issue of iSCSI disconnect on Indian-HyperV-07 Server due which our VPSs running on this server are getting disconnected/rebooted. This issue has already been escalated to Microsoft.

We need to shut down all the VPSs which are running on this server till this activity would be finished. This may take around 2 to 5 hours depending on the list of available Windows Updates and their sizes.

Activity Date: Friday i.e. 24th April, 2015.

Activity Time: 2:00 AM IST.

Expected Downtime: We are expecting 2 to 5 hours. downtime during this activity.

Issue severity: Highly Critical

Communication Plan: Our helpdesk would be fully staffed & functional during the activity period. Please feel free to get in touch with our support team at, in case of any queries/doubts.

Please be patient & support us in our endeavor of serving you with better hardware and network.

Thank you for your co-operation and support.