Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Live update on service issues and scheduled maintenances at ZNetLive
Resolved Issues
Sep 27 2018

Emergency Maintenance Activity ZLHV-24 & CloudHosting [RAID initialization]

This is to inform you that due to power failure in one of power source server got rebooted.  Currently server is up but RAID is under initialization process and will take 60-90 minutes.

All VM’s hosted under this machine are currently inaccessible due to slow response from disk’s.

Activity Start Time : 1:40 PM

Affected Server’s : All customer’s will be notified via support ticket/email.


Our helpdesk is fully staffed on phone, chat and tickets, we will address your queries over there.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Update:1 –  Initialization process still running.


Update:2 –  Volume 0 initialization process completed and  Volume 1  16% completed. Process is taking longer time as expected and it may take couple of hours more.

Update:3 – Volume 1  25% completed.

Update:4 – Volume 1  40% completed.

Update:5 – Volume 1  70% completed.  We are hoping that it will be done till 9:30 PM after that we will get all VM’s status.

Update-6 – Volume 1 completed and now all servers back online.


We are verifying services of each VM.  If you still have any issue in accessing your VM, you can contact to support team.