Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Live update on service issues and scheduled maintenances at ZNetLive
Resolved Issues
Dec 28 2016

Rescheduling migration of Resellerplesk9-u server from Tuesday,14th February 2017 to Wednesday,15th February 2017.

This is to inform you that one of our servers- Resellerplesk9-u  is being upgraded with better hardware in order to provide you with better performance and a more stable network.

Upgradation Date: Monday, January 9th, 2017

Upgradation Time: The migration will start on, Monday, January 9th, 2017, at 10:00 PM IST and will be completed by Tuesday, January 10th, 2017, till 6 AM IST. 

Upgradation Description: During this activity, we will be changing Server hardware as well as IP pool.

Expectations from you:

If you are using our hosting name servers then you should not do any changes from your side.

Note: Clients who are using own child name servers or pointed website via A-records from other DNS servers need to update A-record of Website:

Name server IP :

Old DNS server IP: –,

New DNS server IP: –,

Website IP:

Old IP          :

New IP        :

Database connection String:

MYSQL hostname  : or localhost

MSSQL2012R2          :,1533

MSSQL2008R2          :,1533

Mail Server settings :

Email server               :         mail.yourdomainname   or

New IP :

Important: Do not use IP address in database connection string, FTP or configure outlook and other email client.

Expected Downtime:  6 – 8 hours.

Communication Plan: Our helpdesk will be fully functional and staffed during the migration. We will keep posting periodic updates in the announcements section and on to keep you fully informed of the status of migration process. Please do not use our emergency contact numbers during the migration, as it will slow down the migration process.

Thanking you in anticipation of your co-operation and support in our endeavor of serving you with the best in class services.

Update –

This activity is rescheduled as follows:-

New Upgradation Date: Tuesday,14th February 2017.

New Upgradation Time: The migration will start on, Tuesday,14th February, 2017 at 09:00 PM IST and will be completed by Wednesday,15th February, 2017, till 5 AM IST.