Urgent IP change activity on server “Blnx6.securehostdns.com”
This is to inform our customers that we have an urgent IP change activity on our server “Blnx6.securehostdns.com”. During the activity time, the services will become unavailable.
The new IP is So if you are using third party name servers, then please update A record IP in dns zone for your domain so that your domain will point to our server.
If you are using our name servers (ns22.securehostdns.com and ns23.securehostdns.com), then there is nothing to do.
Schedule Date & Time: 9th February 2021, 7:00 PM – 10th February 2021, 2:00 AM
Affected server: Blnx6.securehostdns.com
Communication Plan: Our helpdesk would be fully staffed and functional during the activity period. Please feel free to get in touch with our support team at support@znetlive.com.
In case of any queries/doubts, customers can also call us at (91) 141 4070666.