Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Real Time Updates About Different Issues at ZNetLive

Live update on service issues and scheduled maintenances at ZNetLive
Resolved Issues
Apr 8 2016

Network Latency Issue on US Servers

Issue Description: We are facing network latency issue on our some US servers. We are continuously coordinating with our DC to mitigate this issue.

During this issue you may face websites or database time out issue.

Expected Time to resolve: We are trying to resolve this issue asap. As per situation, we expecting in next 2-4 hours but it may be lesser or may exceed as per situation.

Update-1: One of switch is failing, hence DC team is replacing the faulty switch.

Update-2: Switch replacement is still going on and it will take more time, further where switches are replaced, issues are resolved but some are left.

Update-3: Issue was stabilized.

Support: Our Tech and CRM support is fully staffed. You can reach us via over phone, chat and ticket.